
2024 / 08 / 06

Indentations from Particles Causes and Countermeasures

Solid contaminants can be introduced into a bearing via the seals or lubricant. After constant rotation, particles will be pressed into raceways and causes indentation.
2024 / 08 / 06

Bearings for spindles with P2 running accuracy

To achieve better manufacturing precision and lower spindle vibration, bearing running accuracy is the key point. Through constantly improve our manufacturing technique, every TPI angular contact ball bearings meet P2 running accuracy and even better.
2024 / 08 / 06

Electrical Pitting Causes and Countermeasures

Grease isolate the O/R、I/R and ball after uniform distribution in the bearing, but under some circumstance electric potential difference would cumulative, the current force to pass O/R and I/R instantaneous when it reach critical value, cause the spark inside the bearing, make the surface of raceway and rolling elements into molten state, it is electrical pitting.
2024 / 08 / 06

Fretting Corrosion Causes and Countermeasures

Grease isolate the O/R、I/R and ball after uniform distribution in the bearing, but under some circumstance electric potential difference would cumulative, the current force to pass O/R and I/R instantaneous when it reach critical value, cause the spark inside the bearing, make the surface of raceway and rolling elements into molten state, it is electrical pitting.
2024 / 08 / 06

Corrosion Cause by Varnish and Countermeasures

When heat and RH are high, the bearing would rust after grease absorb corrosion gas that varnish volatilization inside the motor.
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